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The term ‘Wellbeing’ is used to describe the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. BUT....

The term ‘Wellbeing’ is used to describe the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. BUT the word itself doesn't have one set meaning AND what is wellbeing for one person might not feel the same to others…

So, how easy is it to ‘measure’ wellbeing, when what we are hoping to capture is subjective - how someone feels, how well they are coping with daily life or what feels possible to them at that moment.

Furthermore, how can you ‘account’ for wellbeing – making sure that what your organisation does consistently improves people’s lives?

This will be the difficult topic that the Social Audit Network is going to tackle in its first ‘in person’ Gathering since the autumn of 2019. We invite you to join the whole SAN Community in Liverpool on Friday 20th May 2022 to share learning and good practice, hear from our expert speakers, and join our practical workshops. Our aim is that you go away a little bit wiser, better connected, and more confident to be able to measure, describe and report the wellbeing impacts of your work.

Social Accounting and Audit uses eight key principles to underpin its process, ensure verification is effective and deliver continuous improvement. These are:

  • Clarify Purpose

  • Define Scope

  • Engage Stakeholders

  • Determine Materiality

  • Make Comparisons (benchmarking)

  • Be Transparent

  • Verify Accounts

  • Embed the process

Our Gathering will explore how measuring wellbeing can be made easier if you follow these principles, share tips on the tools and approaches that work well for others, talk about ways to embed a wellbeing focus into the way your organisation is run and look at ways that an assessment of wellbeing outcomes can be part of social accounting – even when the focus of your effort finds it hard to describe how they feel…

… and we’ll also have friends from the SAN community who will help you focus on your own wellbeing.

The SAN community has grown from social enterprises, community businesses, co-operatives and charities based across the UK and abroad. Our history is one of true leadership by people who care greatly about community empowerment and the social economy.

Gatherings are more than just a conference – the focus is on meeting people, networking, making friends, hearing from experts – and from those that ‘walk the talk’ – from folk who are all stages of their social accounting and audit journey.

Our mission is to promote and support social accounting and audit as the approach for organisations, particularly those operating in and with the community, social economy and public sectors to report on their social, environmental and economic performance, and understand the impact of their actions on key stakeholders.

We seek to do this by building a community of people who are interested in maximising their social value and social impact.

​Join our community on Friday 20th May 2022!

5 Ways to Wellbeing

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