SAN Auditors
SAN maintains a register of social auditors across the world from which organisations seeking an auditor can contact directly using the details provided.
For quality assurance purposes, UK Auditors are required to make annual returns to SAN regarding their relevant training and chairing activities. Organisations are asked to complete a Questionnaire for SAN following each verification process and any issues are followed up by a member of the Board.
Auditors who are inactive or fail to update their training within a certain period of time are removed from the list. In this way SAN ensures that the person verifying a set of social accounts remains credible to external stakeholders.
How to become a SAN auditor
To become a SAN approved auditor, able to chair verification panel meetings and sign off the draft accounts candidates must first complete our social auditor workshop.
The trainee auditor will then be asked to attend at least two verification panel meetings and to shadow a panel chair making draft notes for their mentor to consider. They are then expected to Chair a panel supervised by an appointed mentor who will approve the final notes.
The mentor will recommend approval by SAN of the trainee auditor when they have reached the standard required.
For further details of how to become a SAN approved social auditor, please contact the SAN office
Register of social auditors: